Superstar Mahesh Babu is set to delight fans with a new and exciting venture. The actor will lend his voice to the iconic character of Mufasa in the Telugu version of the upcoming animated film, “Mufasa: The Lion King.” This marks a significant departure from Mahesh Babu’s previous work, as he has primarily focused on...
The upcoming Telugu film “35 Chinna Katha Kaadu” is poised to capture the hearts of audiences with its relatable storyline and fresh approach to filmmaking. Produced by S Originals and Waltair Productions, the film has already generated significant buzz with its intriguing posters and impressive teaser. The teaser, a “confusing anthem” that resonates with every...
Vicky Kaushal’s upcoming film, “Chhaava,” has generated significant buzz and anticipation among audiences. The period action drama, in which Kaushal portrays the legendary Maratha warrior Chaptrapathi Shambaji, is poised to redefine the genre in Indian cinema. The recently released teaser has garnered widespread praise for Kaushal’s remarkable transformation and the film’s visually stunning action sequences....
Hyderabad, India – Renowned Bollywood actor Riteish Deshmukh has expressed his deep outrage and condemnation over a recent sexual assault incident involving a 6-year-old girl at a school in Badlapur, Maharashtra. The incident has sparked widespread public outcry and calls for justice. In a powerful statement shared on social media, Deshmukh emphasized the sanctity of...
Hyderabad, India (August 20, 2024) – The highly anticipated film Lucky Baskhar, starring the versatile Dulquer Salmaan, has been postponed from its initial release date of September 7th to October 31st, coinciding with Diwali. The decision comes amidst growing anticipation for the film, which has already generated significant buzz with its captivating teaser and song....
Chennai, India (August 20, 2024) – Excitement is brewing in the Tamil film industry as superstar Thalapathy Vijay prepares to grace the silver screen once again with his upcoming film, “GOAT – Greatest Of All Time”. The recently released trailer has generated significant buzz, sparking both fervent fan enthusiasm and online discussions regarding Vijay’s appearance...
Mumbai, India (August 20, 2024) – Global star Priyanka Chopra Jonas has made a significant foray into Marathi cinema with the upcoming release of her production venture, Paani. The film, set to hit theaters on October 18, 2024, has generated considerable anticipation following the release of its evocative teaser. Produced under Chopra Jonas’ banner, Purple...
Once a cinematic titan with a string of critically acclaimed and commercially successful films such as Lagaan, Fanaa, 3 Idiots, PK, and Dangal, Aamir Khan’s stardom experienced a significant downturn with the underperformance of Thugs of Hindustan. This was further exacerbated by the box office failure of the Forrest Gump adaptation, Laal Singh Chaddha. The...
Actor S.J. Suryah has recently offered a glimpse into the intriguing plot of the upcoming Telugu film, Saripoda Sanivaaram, starring Nani in the lead role. The film, helmed by director Vivek Athreya, has been generating substantial anticipation, and Suryah’s revelations have only served to heighten the excitement surrounding the project. At the core of the...
Tollywood actor Sudheer Babu, known for his diverse roles, has recently expressed his support for fellow Telugu star Prabhas. The controversy erupted after Bollywood actor Arshad Warsi made critical remarks about Prabhas’ performance in the film Kalki 2898 AD, describing the actor’s portrayal as resembling a “joker”. Sudheer Babu, in a public statement, condemned Arshad...
Superstar Mahesh Babu is set to delight fans with a new and exciting venture. The actor will lend his voice to the iconic character of Mufasa in the Telugu version of the upcoming animated film, “Mufasa: The Lion King.” This marks a significant departure from Mahesh Babu’s previous work, as he has primarily focused on...
New Delhi, Aug 20 (IANS) Only a few locations in Africa are home to the majority of the early human fossil record, where ideal geological circumstances have preserved a wealth of fossils that biologists have used to piece together the evolution of humans, yet it is not a complete picture. The eastern branch of the...
Washington, Aug 22 (IANS) NASA astronauts Sunita Williams and Butch Wilmore arrived at the International Space Station (ISS) on June 6 and more than two and a half months later, their fate hang in balance as NASA mulls several options which can delay their return to earth to even February next year. The astronauts left...
Belgrade, Aug 22 (IANS) Serbian police are still searching for seven missing migrants in the Drina River after their boat capsized when crossing from Serbia to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia’s Interior Ministry confirmed in a press release issued on Thursday. According to testimonies of the migrants who managed to reach the shore, there were approximately...
The upcoming Telugu film “35 Chinna Katha Kaadu” is poised to capture the hearts of audiences with its relatable storyline and fresh approach to filmmaking. Produced by S Originals and Waltair Productions, the film has already generated significant buzz with its intriguing posters and impressive teaser. The teaser, a “confusing anthem” that resonates with every...
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