Hyderabad, India – The highly anticipated Telugu film, Mr Bachchan, featuring Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja and directed by Harish Shankar, has undergone significant post-production changes in response to audience feedback. The film, a remake of the Hindi blockbuster Raid, opened to a mixed reception, with critics primarily citing an excessive use of Hindi songs as...
Speculation surrounding the possibility of Mahesh Babu lending his voice to the iconic character of Mufasa in the upcoming Lion King prequel has ignited a fervent wave of excitement among fans and industry observers alike. Renowned for his commanding screen presence and ability to effortlessly embody complex characters, the Telugu superstar is seen as a...
Kannada cinema’s maverick filmmaker and actor, Upendra, is set to captivate audiences once again with his highly anticipated film, ‘UI – The Movie’. Known for his unconventional storytelling and thought-provoking narratives, Upendra has garnered a substantial fan following across Karnataka and Telugu-speaking regions. After generating anticipation with the previously released teaser and song, the actor-director...
Nani’s upcoming film, ‘Saripodha Sanivaaram’, scheduled for release on August 29th, has generated considerable anticipation. The film’s promotional materials, including posters, teasers, and songs, have cultivated a positive buzz, further heightened by the inclusion of accomplished actors like SJ Suryah and Priyanka Mohan. The collaboration with director Vivek Athreya, whose previous work ‘Ante Sundaraniki’ garnered...
Hyderabad, India (August 2024) – Actress Trisha Krishnan has offered fans a tantalizing glimpse into the opulent lifestyle on the sets of her upcoming Telugu film, Vishwambhara. The actress recently shared a photograph showcasing a lavish feast prepared by the film’s leading man and megastar, Chiranjeevi. In a post expressing gratitude, Trisha playfully described being...
Sridevi, an epithet synonymous with Indian cinema’s golden era, ascended from child prodigy to a peerless leading lady, captivating audiences with her unparalleled versatility. Her cinematic journey was adorned with collaborations with legendary actors like NTR, Ayannar, Krishna, Chiranjeevi, Nagarjuna, and Venkatesh, cementing her status as an irreplaceable figure in the industry. Beneath the dazzling...
Hyderabad, India – Legendary Indian actor, Kamal Haasan, was recently celebrated by the cast and crew of his upcoming film, ‘Thug Life’, as he marked an extraordinary milestone of 65 years in the film industry. The grand celebration took place amidst the bustling energy of the Ramoji Film City where the film is currently under...
Hyderabad, India – Renowned Telugu actor, producer, and entrepreneur Rana Daggubati recently shared a surprising revelation about his personal life during an interview with the cast of the film ‘Committee Kurrollu’. Produced by Niharika Konidela, the interview featured the film’s main cast and the Mega daughter herself. While engaging in a candid conversation about unexpected...
Chennai, India (August 12, 2024) – The highly anticipated trailer for Suriya’s Kanguva has arrived, and it is a visual and action-packed masterpiece. Directed by Siva, the film promises to be a groundbreaking cinematic experience. The trailer offers a glimpse into a world of tribal warfare, showcasing the intense rivalry between Suriya and Bobby Deol....
National Award-winning actress Keerthy Suresh is currently immersed in a diverse slate of projects. With the highly anticipated release of ‘Raghu Thatha’ on the horizon and her Bollywood debut ‘Baby John’ – a remake of the blockbuster ‘Theri’ – in post-production, the actress has pinned considerable expectations on these ventures. Notably, it has been a...
Superstar Mahesh Babu is set to delight fans with a new and exciting venture. The actor will lend his voice to the iconic character of Mufasa in the Telugu version of the upcoming animated film, “Mufasa: The Lion King.” This marks a significant departure from Mahesh Babu’s previous work, as he has primarily focused on...
New Delhi, Aug 20 (IANS) Only a few locations in Africa are home to the majority of the early human fossil record, where ideal geological circumstances have preserved a wealth of fossils that biologists have used to piece together the evolution of humans, yet it is not a complete picture. The eastern branch of the...
Washington, Aug 22 (IANS) NASA astronauts Sunita Williams and Butch Wilmore arrived at the International Space Station (ISS) on June 6 and more than two and a half months later, their fate hang in balance as NASA mulls several options which can delay their return to earth to even February next year. The astronauts left...
Belgrade, Aug 22 (IANS) Serbian police are still searching for seven missing migrants in the Drina River after their boat capsized when crossing from Serbia to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia’s Interior Ministry confirmed in a press release issued on Thursday. According to testimonies of the migrants who managed to reach the shore, there were approximately...
The upcoming Telugu film “35 Chinna Katha Kaadu” is poised to capture the hearts of audiences with its relatable storyline and fresh approach to filmmaking. Produced by S Originals and Waltair Productions, the film has already generated significant buzz with its intriguing posters and impressive teaser. The teaser, a “confusing anthem” that resonates with every...
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